October 21, 2011

Obstruction Junction, What's Your Function?

Every time I think it couldn’t get more ridiculous, it does. Today’s Ocean Star Letters To The Editor only lead me to the conclusion that the GOP councilmembers and their supporters rely on the fact that most residents are too busy to pay close attention to the regular business of council. The soft pitch letter praising Toni DePaola and her good judgement was obviously written by someone who has never been to a council meeting. I have watched in awe for 10 months as Toni has delivered the same committee report time and time again. Funny thing is her reports don’t pertain to her committee. I believe that our TNR and Community Watch programs are both admirable contributions to our community, but Toni’s responsibility to the residents of Point Pleasant is to keep the Construction and Code Enforcement Departments operating efficiently. Now there was a very slap-shod and rushed for election season effort to merge the Boro and Beach Construction Departments last year, but when things fell apart, instead of getting back on the horse and doing the work of the people, she took her ball and went home. Toni’s only interaction for all of 2011 with her department head was during an Administration Committee meeting. I have to wonder if in his letter Mitch is telling Toni to “get off [her] duff” and fix this failing department. It is after all her responsibility and has been for the last two years although by her record you would never know it.

Mitch’s letter is perhaps most disappointing. Here the youngest councilperson our town has elected could have spent the last 2 years proving that our youngest residents deserve a seat at the table. His refusal to accept any line of reasoning other than what he has already accepted as true, whether it is or not, is the definition of “pre-operational egocentrism”. A mature sense of reasoning is open to empathy, persuation, and multiple points of view or perspective. As unmoving and irrational as Bob, Mitch, Toni, and their supporters have tried to make the rest of us out to be on this garbage issue, we all accepted pretty readily that in-house collection was not as promising as a shared service. And again I say a shared service that they try and take credit for yet vote against. Did I yell at Mitch? Yes. Did I use a colorful word? Yes I did. I’m not proud to say I did. I wish I had been able to keep my cool, but I was as angry as every resident in this town should be at the long year of obstruction and game playing Bob, Mitch, and Toni have put us all through. It’s making me lose my faith that the best interests of residents will ultimately prevail. Everyday the office workers, PW crews, and employees of the Boro, so often vilified as leeches by the other side, get up, go to work and make sure that all of our needs are met, that our services continue to be there, that the bills get paid, that the streets are protected, and that our children learn and play, and all the while party politics seep through every seam into every nook and cranny threatening to undermine the security we all deserve. These games are the exact opposite of the work Toni, Mitch, and Bob were charged to do when they took the oath. They are not conservative and they do not serve the residents outside the GOP Club. It is neither conservative nor is it responsible to say no to everything. It is responsible to work and it is conservative to do so with the greatest good at heart. To be conservative means to be a conservationist, to protect and preserve that which is held dear. Someone protecting the common welfare, someone that claims to be conservative, would not jeopardize the interests of the town by putting on an election season performance. However, it can be expected and predicted to come from those with an established history of similar behavior. I should not be surprised by councilmembers that spend more time on their press releases than they do with their committee assignments. If Mitch wants to challenge someone to get to work, maybe he should challenge himself. I can’t tell you how often he meets with his department head, but I do know that the Rec. Center entry door has not been replaced even though the funding was approved 18 months ago. And I know that in a time when capital improvements that can no longer be denied loom over our budget year after year, he would be wise to spend his time working on a plan for the Rec Center that our Boro Engineer and others have confirmed has deteriorated beyond repair. I hear a lot about hard work but I have yet to see it.

If Bob Sabosik’s brother-in-law, Marty Murdoch, is waiting for something to happen then he just hasn’t been paying attention. While Bob, Mitch, Toni, and their supporters have been working hard plotting to regain the majority, Bill, Chris, Jack, and I have been working hard to reverse decades of damage. While they’ve done nothing, we’ve done quite a lot:

- Fixed the decades long book keeping disaster
- Brought on a new CFO and Auditor to construct a responsible debt management plan
- Fixed the $350,000 deficit created by Rogers’ campaign promises
- Cut spending $400,000
- Came up with a plan to save the Boro $1.6M on garbage collection, which the Bob,  
   Mitch, & Toni are now sabatoging as they also try and take credit
- Created a Complete Streets Committee, and established a Complete Streets Ordinance   
   (first in the county to do so) to make our town safer and greener - at no cost to the
- Set up negotiations to have an actually functioning shared-services agreement on the
- Held a multi-town summit on shared services
- Reformed and reinvigorated the Rec Commission into the Rec & Cultural Arts
   Commission to bring new attention, new attractions, and new business to Point Pleasant
- Begun investigations into several ex-employees and questionable financial activities
   that occurred during the prior administration
- Obtained grants for energy efficient upgrades (no cost to the residents) that will save the
   Boro thousands of dollars a year
- Begun a move to Google Apps For Government which will make the Boro more efficient and reduce IT costs

If they had been working this hard for you instead of themselves, imagine how much better off Point Pleasant would be!

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