September 14, 2010


So far the best part of our campaign has been meeting neighbors I might not have otherwise. They tell me what they like about Pt Pleasant, what they wish was different, and I love the stories about what things were like once upon a time. I enjoy talking about our issues. For me it’s highschoolers that drive 50 MPH past my kids’ bus stop, for others it’s a cell tower, or the skate park, the riverside park, or what services will be lost next year to meet our budget constraints? Some have commented on how young I look, but I’m 15 years older and have four more children than Councilman Remig when he ran. Some want to hear about my experience and I tell them I’ve worked as many years in the private and public sectors as Council President Rogers when she was first elected. Mostly I try and assure them I am a practical person who is always willing to learn and I think those are two necessary traits in a representative and leader.

I’ve been reading a lot in the papers lately about leadership. Leadership as it was always taught to me requires three things; common sense, humility, and that willingness to learn. The people I’ve always admired have those qualities and they are the characteristics I myself aspire to. I don’t know that I’ve seen those qualities in our current leaders. They say that consolidation with the Beach makes good sense, but most things do when presented from one side. Humility leads a person to seek consensus rather than believe they always know what’s best. Consensus however is easy enough when you only include folks you know will agree with you when a decision needs to be made. Willingness to learn requires honesty, with yourself and with others. That’s a tough nut to crack in politics since part of politicking is convincing others that your way is the only way. Our plans for consolidation have not been presented honestly. They have been rushed and they have been made without consensus. That’s not to say they are the wrong idea, but they are not the only idea, and they will not produce the claimed savings. The trial and error period will be a year or two and even then the savings would not equal a simple restructuring, and they certainly wouldn’t save as much as re-negotiating  the pay scale of the Borough’s contract professionals. No, the truth behind the consolidations is that they have been mandated by the Governor in his “tool kit” and to not do so would risk our full state aid. If that’s the way it is, so be it, but we’re all adults and deserve the plain, simple truth.

I’m not saying I am better than anyone else, but I have less at stake than those that might mask the truth to protect their agendas. I don’t consider my future to be in government, but I do believe in our obligation to be available when our participation is called for. I look forward to serving my community and doing my best with a little common sense, a little humility, and the help of others. If you would like to help join me on Facebook.


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