October 24, 2010

Chris Leitner's Letter To The Ocean Star

Editor, The Ocean Star:
Point Pleasant is seeking, intently, to take back our town from the way the “powers that be” are doing things. It is not just Democrats seeking this change, but also Republicans and Independents who’ve lost trust in their government, but want to believe again. The people of Point Pleasant, Democrat, Republican and Independent, want to take back our town from the politics of personal agendas and personal attacks. William Schroeder, Christopher Goss and Robert Rusk, will do this, not because it is the easy thing or benefits them personally, but because at their core they stand for doing the right thing because it is right.
We have a chance to take back Point Pleasant with a new majority — a majority concerned for its citizens, not politicians, a majority whose overriding goal is to make Point Pleasant a better place for everyone, where everyone has a voice.
William Schroeder, Christopher Goss and Robert Rusk will lead, not by polls, but by principle; not by calculation, but by conviction.
Their candidacy offers not just a difference in policies, but a difference in leadership. Refreshingly, they focus not on how to win, but why they should. The campaign they have run does not fear losing elections for saying the unpopular thing, but instead draws strength from doing what is right, simply because it is right. William Schroeder, Christopher Goss and Robert Rusk will lead for the good of everyone.
I am asking you to stop settling for what the cynics say we have to accept. I am asking you to join us in taking back our town. On Nov. 2, please vote for William Schroeder, Christopher Goss and Robert Rusk.
Donna Drive, Point Pleasant

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