October 1, 2010

Joan Speroni's Letter Rejected By The Ocean Star

I had no intention to write any "Letters to the Editor" for the upcoming elections, and certainly not to The Ocean Star, (aka Star "News" Group...), but they recently rejected one of my husband's musings, which I must say really wasn't a "Letter to the Editor".  I'm really not bothered that they chose not to print what he wrote, I am however, disturbed by the criteria they claimed they used to make this decision.  I just had to send a response, which I really don't intend to have them print, but if they do, then so be it... Otherwise, here is my response...

While I agree that my husband's latest submission to your periodical is not necessarily an opinion, I would like some clarification of your statement to him "Letters to the editor are to be used to express ideas, opinions or valid complaints about local, state and national elected officials, laws, rules, regulations, public policy, etc.".  

How exactly does the letter from Mr. Scarpello, which you printed in last Friday's paper, in which he tries to disparage Christopher Goss by trying to unearth information on his wife's position with the Point Pleasant BOE, and insinuates that there is something wrong with the job she actually performs for the parents, students, staff and taxpayers of Point Pleasant fits into your criteria for submission as a valid letter to the editor?  It's obvious that he was unable to unearth anything sinister or evil about Mr. Goss, and I fail to see where or how Mrs. Goss' job is a problem to anyone.  As you should know from your paper's experience with Mrs. Goss, her job entails a great deal more than the title that has been assigned to her position.  As it is public record, I feel that the full description of what her duties are should have been included in his ramblings and now should be printed by your paper so that the taxpayers can be made aware of all that her position entails. 

I am sure that you are well aware that everything that is printed in your paper that relates to the schools either comes from her office, or has been verified by Mrs. Goss as true or corrected if false.  She is also responsible for creating the latest district website design, and keeps it up to date.  Mrs. Goss attends every meeting of the Board of Education, and sets up and maintains all video presentations for the public at these meetings.  In addition to that, she writes grants, and most recently has been assigned the duty to secure monetary support from local vendors, both of which brings in much needed funds which are used to offset taxes.  These are just a few duties that Mrs. Goss performs in order to receive the modest salary that she earns in the district.

Again, I fail to see what Mrs. Goss’ position in the district has to do with Mr. Goss’ current position as candidate for Point Pleasant Borough Council.  None of this ever seemed to be an issue for the Republican Club members when Laura Ferrie sat on the board and her husband, Timothy Ferrie ran for and won his seat on the Borough Council.

However, this does reek of the same insinuations that other members of the Republican Club tried to make when it was inferred that my husband and I some how profited by his association with Snap-on-Tools and I maintained my position on the BOE.  It’s all garbage, and it’s the reason I refuse to read your periodical.  As a matter of fact, the ONLY reason I read the letters in this week’s issue was because of Catherine Brand’s submission.

Thank you for your attention to this correspondence.

Joan Speroni

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