October 24, 2010

Jen Enright's Dead On Letter To The Ocean Star

Editor, The Ocean Star:
The voters of Point Pleasant have an important decision to make on Nov. 2. They will decide whether the town retains its inherent character, or if it becomes an annex to other nearby municipalities. While consolidation and shared services are areas to consider, not every merger is the right solution. The Democratic ticket for mayor and council wants to thoroughly and thoughtfully investigate combining services to save money, selectively deciding what is best for our town and its residents. The possibility exists that we could contract with other towns for capital expenditures, and yet retain our own departments and/or employees. In that way, we would still have some decision-making control — and not give it all away to other governing bodies with which we have no representation.
Many of the programs and services that Point Pleasant provides are vital to lower-income residents. The preschool program offered at the Recreation Department is one such example. Perhaps some residents can afford private preschool, but for many residents, the rec is the only choice. If our Recreation Department merges with another town’s, will quality, affordable preschool still be available to the children of Point Pleasant?
Under the Republican-controlled council, services have been reduced. Our town employees were furloughed for 11 days since June, with one more day scheduled in November. Because of this, some building inspections were delayed, and the storm sewers have not received the annual cleaning done in past years. With the 2-percent budget cap in place and having not covered all expenses [without borrowing from the school tax fund], further cuts will be necessary. Maintenance of land and structures may be compromised. Parts of the town you love could be lost.
If residents value the excellence in education the community is known for, value the programs offered by our Recreation Department, and who value the clean and safe community provided by our police department and department of Public Works, then they should vote for Schroeder, Goss and Rusk on Nov. 2. They will govern with a thoughtful intelligence and seek input from those with years of first-hand experience before making radical changes without forethought. Sometimes digging ditches enables foundations to be built; sometimes the only use for the hole is a grave.
Deborah Avenue, Point Pleasant

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