October 24, 2010

A Letter From Bob Haugh, Former Republican Committeeman

Editor, The Ocean Star:
I want to apologize to anyone who may have been influenced to vote for Sue Rogers, as the result of a letter I wrote a few years ago.
I wrote a letter comparing how Ms. Rogers, for the town, would be like a new set of tires for your car to insure our future. At that time, I thought Ms. Rogers was sincere about sharing expenses with neighboring towns for the sake of maintaining our quality of life and stabilizing our taxes. Does anyone know how that worked out?
In my opinion, the term “shared services” that is used by Ms. Rogers would be better described as “reduced services.” After waiting for almost three years, under Ms. Rogers’ leadership, to come up with a plausible shared service plan, I feel that those tires have gone flat.
At the same time, there seems to be a “magic show” going on, creating the illusions that somehow reducing our workforce, through furloughs and layoffs, will not affect our quality of life. I believe our leader on council is reproducing an illusion, as did the candy company when they claimed a “zero increase” in the price of the candy bar at the same time as they reduced the size of the candy bar.
We all know we have to pay for what we get, however feeling good about what we get for our money is significant. I felt a lot better when Bill Schroeder was the mayor. Anyone who is dissatisfied or skeptical about the current leadership cannot make any change unless they vote the full ticket of Schroeder for mayor, and Goss and Rusk for council. Please go out and vote on Election Day, Nov. 2!
I want to thank Bill Schroeder for reconsidering being our mayor again.
Brown Street, Point Pleasant

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