October 18, 2010

A Letter Rejected By The Ocean Star And Asbury Park Press

Dear Editor, Asbury Park Press,

It didn’t take Point Pleasant Mayoral candidate Sue Rogers long to change her campaign slogan away from ‘Residents First’. Since she voted to change ordinances to allow cell towers in residential neighborhoods (but not hers), shouldn’t the slogan be “Scr*w the Residents’ Quality of Life and Home Values”?

Living under a cell tower means you are living under constant radiation.

I met Sue Rogers before she was elected to Boro Council. I expressed concern for Quality of Life issues in Point Pleasant and she promised that she would work for the same. Instead she has rolled out the red carpet for T Mobile and has ignored the pleas for residents from the Edgar Rd and Johnson Ave neighborhoods because T Mobile is dangling $50,000 a year for the Borough.

When residents take their cases to Appeals court, it will be costly to all the taxpayers of Point Pleasant because the Borough will incur legal defense expenses.

When the Borough loses the appeals for Rogers’ plan to put a 120 foot cell tower 31 feet from the wall of someone’s house, Sue Rogers will be eyeing your neighborhood next for her extra cell tower sites. Living in Point Pleasant means one must always read every Public Notice in the newspaper.

After last spring’s heavy rainfall when many residents were pumping out their flooded crawlspaces, I asked Public Works to delay hydrant flushing due to the high water table. My request was ignored. This is a perfect example of Rogers’ and outgoing Mayor Konkus’ ‘Residents Last” mindset that is pervasive in the current administration.

Outgoing Republican Mayor Konkus got involved in local politics because he wanted to fight an A&P supermarket from being built in his neighborhood. Now he has worked to put T Mobile cell towers in other people’s neighborhoods. In light of such hypocrisy, should we even consider his endorsement?

Voting Republican in Point Pleasant will only bring more of the same ‘Scr*w the Residents’ agenda. I am a registered republican saying please vote Democratic in Point Pleasant in November.

Katherine Suskevich


  1. another ill conceived plan based on a knee reaction, in other words this location is the least of all the other evils. This SR plan is that no objection other then the usual small group so what who cares. It is just plan wrong to put a cell tower facility in any neighborhood thats why as Mayor I had the recycling center the designated cell site. William Schroeder

  2. Hey $50k can buy alot of cameras!

  3. So what we are saying is, Sue Rogers wants to give the residents of Point Pleasant a helical inclined plane around a central axis.
